[Special] The emergence and practice of the concept of "light culture"

1 Introduction:

The construction of urban landscape lighting in Tianjin has experienced everything from “nothing” to “having”, from “small” to “big”, from “bright” to “beauty”, from “vulgar” to “elegant”, and from “construction practice”. To the historical course of "theory research." In 2004, the “China (Tianjin) First Modern Urban Light Culture Forum” was held. In the field of lighting, the concept of “light culture” was integrated into the urban landscape lighting project for the first time. It was recognized and valued in the lighting field in the country and the world, in the country and the world. The impact and response are great. The "Light Culture" forum held every two years was held as scheduled, and on the occasion of the third Light Culture Forum, please inform the industry.

2 The far-reaching significance of the concept of “light culture”

As a vocabulary concept, “Light Culture” has been sounded throughout the country and has become a continuation, promotion and sublimation of lighting projects. At the same time, it has become the measurement standard for landscape lighting planning, design and construction. The quality and success of a city or a region's lighting landscape depends on whether it incorporates the concept of “light culture”. It depends on whether or not “light culture” has been created. Many local landscape lighting and lighting construction has been integrated into “light culture”. "Examples and boutiques of ideas.

The research on the concept of "light culture" indicates that our understanding of the law of urban lighting landscape development has reached a new height. At the same time, the research on the concept of "light culture" is the crystallization of the development of natural sciences and humanities and social sciences. It is a major attempt of the two-sector alliance in the field of lighting. It is a new starting point for the combination of theory and scientific practice research, and promotes urban landscape lighting. The construction of lighting has great impetus and far-reaching historical significance.

As far as urban landscape lighting is concerned, the introduction of “light culture” is not only a great progress in the concept and practice innovation, but also a sign that the construction of urban landscape lighting is upgraded from the initial stage of simple lighting function to the development of spiritual civilization through the development stage of light and beauty. The inevitable result of the advanced stage. Therefore, the integration of urban landscape lighting and lighting into the "light culture" concept is the innovation of theory, the leap of connotation, the expansion of extension, the excavation of the underlying, the improvement of the level, the transformation of the form, the sublimation of the taste, and the construction of urban landscape lighting. The theoretical quality, the living soul and the infinite vitality that keep pace with the times in the night scene environment.

3 “The direction of advanced culture” is the theoretical basis for proposing the concept of “light culture”

There are hundreds of interpretations of the definition of culture. The phenomenon of cultural definition reflects the close connection of culture to human beings and society. It not only reveals the relationship between culture and human social processes, but also reveals the relationship between culture and human society as a whole. This connection involves all levels and fields of society.

Culture is the symbol, value and norm of a country, a nation or a group of people, and their material form; it is also the general term for human creation in the process of social development, or it can be said that human beings created in the course of historical development. The sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth, including the natural sciences and the humanities. Culture has three components: symbols, values, and norms. Symbols are the foundation of culture and the expression of culture. Such as language symbols, art symbols, digital symbols, scientific symbols and so on. Among them, language characters and number symbols are the most basic symbols. Art symbols can provide people with beautiful enjoyment, and can best touch people's emotions, including musical symbols (temporal, musical scores, etc.), art symbols (lines, colors, etc.) drama dance (sound language, body language, clothing, props, lighting), etc. Etc.; Value is the core of culture, and it is the standard system for judging right and wrong. The highest values ​​of humanity today are freedom, equality, justice, and truth, goodness, and beauty. Values ​​are the core of culture and the highest state of culture. Although the values ​​have their own characteristics, they are advanced and backward. The advanced and backward culture is mainly the advanced and backward values. True and false, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, obviously truth, goodness, beauty are advanced, false, evil, and ugly are backward; norms are the norms and binding forces that measure behavior and thought, and are concrete manifestations of values. It is an important part of culture. In summary, in terms of the advanced nature of culture, the most advanced values ​​in today's world are scientific values, the highest realm is true; the highest values ​​of human values ​​are good; the highest values ​​of artistic values ​​are beautiful; The highest level of values ​​is the human standard.

"Light culture" is a subtle combination of "light" and "culture". Through lighting, the regional human landscape and natural landscape are dressed up with light and shadow, light and color, showing the shape, regional characteristics and structure of the buildings, bridges and other carriers. , characteristics and personality characteristics, the performance is true, good, beautiful, showing the charm, essence and aura, creating the attachment of the spirit, expanding the concept of new thinking. From the introduction of the "light culture" concept, jump to the human ecology and improve the happiness of the entire city. Forced the productivity of the "light culture" and returned to the origin of the light economy. Introducing a new economic concept of talent economy, creative economy, and attention economy, so that “light culture” interacts with society, interacts with the people, and interacts with the media, making the concept of “light culture” endless. Therefore, the connotation of "light culture" is to use light as a means to express culture. The construction of urban landscape lighting is also a culture that expresses excellent culture, new culture and interests of the broad masses of the people. It represents and reflects the mainstream culture of China's socialist modernization process and the advanced culture of nationality, science, public and socialism.

The research demonstrates that the concept of "light culture" should be born in the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating socialist modernization, and has the important thinking and characteristics of the times of "three represents." Especially the "advance direction of advanced culture." Therefore, the concept of "light culture" is completely dependent on the "advance direction of advanced culture"; "the direction of advanced culture" is the theoretical basis for proposing the concept of "light culture".