Identification of commonly used voltage regulator diodes

Zener diode is commonly used in the circuit "ZD" plus digital representation, such as: ZD5 represents the number 5 regulator.

1, the voltage regulator diode regulation principle: Zener diode is characterized by breakdown, the voltage at both ends of the basic remain unchanged. In this way, when the voltage regulator tube is connected to the circuit, if the voltage of each point in the circuit fluctuates due to the fluctuation of the power supply voltage or other reasons, the voltage across the load will basically remain unchanged.

2. Fault features: The fault of the zener diode is mainly manifested in the open circuit, short circuit and unstable voltage. Among these three kinds of faults, the former fault shows that the power supply voltage rises; the latter two kinds of faults show that the power supply voltage becomes low to zero volt or the output is unstable.

The types of commonly used zener diodes and their voltage regulator values ​​are shown in the following table:

Model 1N4728 1N4729 1N4730 1N4732 1N4733 1N4734 1N4735 1N4744 1N4750 1N4751


Regulator value 3.3V 3.6V 3.9V 4.7V 5.1V 5.6V 6.2V 15V 27V 30V 75V

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