Overview of the International Organization for Standardization Information Network (ISONET)

First, about ISONET

ISONET is the abbreviation of the International Organization for Standardization Information Network. It is an information network established by the ISO Original Information System and Service Committee (INFCO). It is an agreement between ISO member states' standardization bodies to provide information on ISONET members. The Center links into a coherent information system that coordinates and guides the exchange of information on international and national standards, technical regulations and standard documents. Each ISONET member is responsible for communicating relevant information within its jurisdiction or within its jurisdiction, and is a reference point for Other ISONET members' standards and technical regulations.

In 2000, major changes occurred in ISO/INFCO. In accordance with ISO Council Resolution 26, INFCO was officially dissolved on December 31, 2000, and its work was completely transferred to the ISO Central Secretariat (ISO/CS), which included ISONET work. The purpose and nature of the SONET work after the transfer has not changed. The goal of helping ISO member countries to find ISO standard information and other thousands of standard information being implemented in various countries remains the same.

According to the principles of ISONET, only one institution in a country can participate in ISONET. Generally, the organization participating in ISONET is an ISO member, which is responsible for standardization and management activities in China. As an ISONET member, the agency should maximize its standardization knowledge and share its knowledge and experience with standardization and exchange information with peers in other countries.

Electronic links between ISONET member information systems are provided through the World Standards Service Network (WSSN). WSSN is a publicly accessible global standards organization Through its members' websites, WSSN provides global, regional and national standardization and related activities, as well as information on the services available.

Second, about ISONET members

ISONET members can be divided into three categories: national members, collaborative members, and international members.

Members of the ISONET country should be ISO member bodies or communication members, or they can be another competent authority designated by ISO member states. No matter which country group is required to sign the ISONET agreement. In ISONET, a country can only have one member group to participate.

National members of ISONET can designate other organizations as collaborative members if they believe that designating other organizations in their country as collaborative members can help them achieve the goals of ISONET.

The third type of ISONET members are international members. These international members are international or regional organizations interested in ISONET, and they are invited by the ISO Secretary-General.

Currently, ISONET has 105 members, including 98 national and collaborative members and 7 international members. A list of all members in ISONET is listed in the ISONET Directory (ISONET Directory).

Third, about ISONET publications

ISO/CS provides a platform for the exchange of standards, technical regulations and related matters among member states through various ISONET publications and information support activities.

In order to protect ISO standards and their publications, ISO/CS has developed a series of documents that protect ISO copyrights, such as the ISO Publications Copyright, Copyright Rights and Sales Policies and Procedures (ISOPOCOSA); In the environment of unified standard classification and unified standard record format, the ISONET platform is fully utilized to exchange relevant information on standards, technical regulations, etc. ISONET publishes the International Standard Classification (ICS). "ISONET Handbook" and other documents; in order to standardize the operating procedures of the ISONET Member Standard Information Center, ISONET published the "ISONET Guide"; "ISON Principles and Procedures" provides an organization and function guide for the ISO Information Network; "ISONET Directory" is a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), a list of all ISONET Information Centers, including contact information, various information available in Member State Information Centers and their service details. The list also includes ISO members, IEC members, and WTO enquiry points. The ISONET Bulletin is published twice a year and is primarily intended for ISONET national members, collaborative members and their international members, as well as those interested in promoting standards, technical regulations, certification systems and related matters.

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